Sunday, 18 January 2015

Little laughs

How can a 6 month old be so comical?!

We have laughed so much at little man today.. Initially he was doing his usual forcing out farts and burps..really made him giggle today, he absolutely loved it!

Then he was perfecting his crawling backwards around the bedroom, picking up clothes and bras on the way..

The best though, was when he was head banging against his dad, for about two minutes we were all stuck laughing including Freddie who was amazed that we were all having the same reaction.

He is curled up snoring his little button nose off. So tempted to wake him for a munch. I resisted. 💙

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

No day!

Well I always get too excited about the snow..this morning was no exception. Looked out the window to see this.. 


No snow men here just soggy cat and dog paw prints. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Smooth-ie operator

New me.

The mantra everyone starts with when jan 1st comes rolling in, I wonder how many of us have given up the resolutions we had already!

I haven't given up mine.. Which was to get a smoothie maker haha (attainable!)

I currently use my blender and pour into a glass and chug it in one, when I was at work this would be before I left house, a bit of a feat at 6.15!

With doing weight watchers, a smoothie is an easy way to fill up, get in loads of fruit and have a quick breakfast all on very little or no points...great for me! Sometimes I beef it out with oats and have a "thickie" or for little or no sleep days..peanut butter and coffee (amazing)

There is a massive fad at the moment for smoothie makers that have an on the go bottle attachment, blend and go! This would be great for me to drink when I got to work or even have when I'm out with Freddie..

but which one?

Cheaper versions that have a lower wattage, less power to crush ice effectively(drives me crazy) or the high speed versions for a lot more money?

What do you guys have? Or am I better off sticking with my blender!