Saturday, 28 February 2015

New clothes

I very rarely have a session of buying new clothes as 1) I hate trying on clothes and 2) maternity pay doesn't stretch very far haha

However, yesterday me & my mom went for a shopping trip with Freddie & in primark I found three dresses for £5 each! No trying on either, straight in the basket.. BONUS.

Now I just have to be all brave and wear them! 

Poorly boy

Lay snugged on our bed with little man in my arms after a nightmare..

Horrible screaming fit and neither of us could settle him or calm him as he was sort of still in a dream :(

Poor little stink 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Scallop starter

Tuesday was hubbys birthday and I decided to cook a nice meal.

We both love scallops so that was the starter sorted, but a little different to what we normally have (cooked with chorizo)

I choose scallops on black pudding with a pea purée and scattered smoked bacon after seeing some variants of this dish in a few restaurants with garlic brushetta and no pea purée or pea purée and no black pudding.

Both dishes had smoked bacon or panchetta, which I kept as the smokey sweet/saltyness goes really well with the scallops, in the same way chorizo works so well

It's easy though, really just making the pea purée and assembling the cooked ingredients. 

You will need (pea purée) 
Roughly 70g of frozen petis pois per person
A medium onion
Pinch of salt
Oil for frying

-while cooking the black pudding and scallops
-Chop and fry onion till translucent
-add in frozen peas and fry gently for a couple of minutes and add salt
-cover peas with boiling water and cook away for 5 minutes 
-blend to a purée. Done.

The dish
- 3 scallops per person with corals
-3 slices of black pudding per person
-panchetta or bacon lardons for scattering

-fry black pudding on both sides till crisp, and keep want in gentle oven heat
-fry lardons and once starting to colour add scallops, with corals removed
- the scallops won't take long, really only a few minutes on each side for some nice colouring.
-add the corals at the last minute as they will cook very quickly, turn over when they start to pop!

Building the dish
- add a heaped teaspoon of pea purée per scallop to a plate
-rest on this a peice of black pudding
-add the scallop gently on top
-scatter the lardons and add the corals 


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Cheat day ends with..Date night at home!

Well little one is flat out and what better way to end my cheat day than a home cooked meal and some 'Secco for losing weight 

(To help with the cooking)
And the main event


Cheat day started this morning with homemade waffles:

And of course a portion for Freddie!

As you know I save all my weekly weight watcher points for a cheat day on Saturdays after weigh in, which I make sure I always thoroughly enjoy! 

Pretty sure it won't be long till I'm in bed after this secco! X

Bucket list

A little late in the month I know but here goes...

1) try and lose 14lbs this month (6 lbs to go so far)

2) buy at least one item of new makeup..

3) SORT OUT A LAUNDRY SYSTEM (this may be delayed by a few months* ) *years

4) cut good shopping bill..stop buying stuff I THINK we need when we don't...

5) start upping my walking/ time on my feet (this will be on going) to get my hips ready for when I'm back at work 

This lovely link up is with Twinderelmo and you can join in too!


Saturday's wearings

I'm Due to our boiler packing in we have no heating or hot water!

This calls for thick, Arctic type outfits to ward off the cold.

I'm wearing hubbys joggers and hoody while Freddie has on his festive, fleece, fairisle onsie.



Mum Tum update..

So this happened this week.. 

I ate so much crap when Freddie came back from hospital so kne wi had to reign myself in..I was starting to feel really blegh.

It worked tho and I'm feeling great today, target isn't too far of from my lowest weight (hyperemesis weight haha) where I feel comfortable.

I'm still determined to start up some exercise once I hit goal to strengthen up and try and ward off SPD in my next pregnancy. Well that's what I'm hoping! According to physio I can "officially" start proper exercise next month.

What a lovely way to start cheat day hahah

Thanks for reading x  

Friday, 6 February 2015

Coughs, snot, sore throats and croup!

Over the past week me and Freddie have had ear infections, sore throats, chest infections & a horrible episode of croup that rocked me to my core.

I had no idea it could take grip so fast, Freddie went down for his nap fine, woke  an hour later slightly wheezy, then about five mins later started with a rasp, Within ten minutes of this I was at my moms for her to try and give him some steam therapy to relieve some of the symptoms, where I said I needed to take him straight to the doctors as he sounded worse, so we did... He was constantly crouping on the way there to the point I thought it was an asthma attack as I could see the classic accessory muscles in his shoulders working overtime (this is where children become exhausted due to using these muscles for want of oxygen) he deteriorated very quickly 

I went into panic mode & as I got him out the car he was blue all around his lips and exhausted. 

He was seen and treated with steroids straight away, they kicked in whilst he was in the ambulance. Once at hospital he had another dose of steroids and he was 95% better, just shattered.

We were allowed home and it took me
A few days to sleep properly as we were warned he would be more susceptible to croup now he has had it. I was sure I would wake up in the night with another emergency situation.

However, he has only had one small episode since and is now fighting off his chest infection.

We both can't wait to get in the fresh air, fighting fit x