Saturday, 16 August 2014

A good old forage!

I'm a tomboy so love to get muddy and messy if there is the opportunity ... prattling about with creepy crawlies and fauna of all sorts was the focal point of my childhood!

So for the last few autumns I have took my hand at foraging and making sloe gin and jams from hedgerow goods.

This year the sloes and blackberries have come in early, with a bumper crop of sloes near me, I had to get involved.

love, love sloe gin, it's autumn and winter in a warming alcoholic scarf of a drink and mixes pefectly with some Prosecco for a sloe gin fizz!

Last year there was an abysmal crop of sloes and what were left had been ravaged by the birds so I just about made a batch of sloe gin and vodka, with a few jars of damson jam for good measure.

This year however, they are everywhere! I got a great haul today and need to go back Tomo to get some for freezer stock (great tip also, don't prick or slash the skins, pop the sloes in the freezer to do the same job on a mass scale) I even took Freddie for his first forage with mommy!

The blackberries have gone in an apple and blackberry crumble and will be freezing some more for smoothies and bramble jam!

At the bottom of our garden I have spied a some cob nuts that are just crying to be roasted with some honey! 

Happy foraging...get there before anyone else does!

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